Automating RCM Workflow

Automating RCM Workflow for Multiple EHR/EMR Systems

For larger hospital systems and IDNs with multiple facilities, they can often include hospitals, clinics and physician practice groups with disparate EHR/EMR and Practice Management (PM) systems. Processing claims and payment information from multiple systems and clearinghouses can create certain challenges that result in business office inefficiencies and lost revenue.

The goal of RCMS is to collect all of the claim, payment and deposit information needed to post and reconcile on one platform, so that automating revenue cycle processes can be optimized for the highest level of data accuracy and workforce efficiency. Customized rules can also be applied in the workflow for specific client requirements, such as allocating funds to divisions or for routing defects and exceptions to specific groups or work queues. We also use this ‘aggregated data’ to create a more complete analysis of the revenue cycle throughout the entire organization, eliminating the need to manually duplicate information to spreadsheets for management and reporting purposes.

For Health Systems and IDNs with multiple EHR/EMRs and PM systems, our ReSolve® A/R Management Platform provides the means to consolidate resources and improve business office processes – providing additional time for more productive tasks such as A/R collections and customer service. By using Intelligent Automation (IA) for improving workflow processes across multiple systems, we can significantly reduce and/or eliminate repetitive data entry that is prone to human error and a waste of valuable resources. Our integration with OnBase ECM, also provides significant staff efficiency with being able to retrieve and view correspondence documentation, indexed to the patient account.

In supporting a multi-system, complex business environment, some of the many benefits of ReSolve® include:

  • Automated repetitive tasks in conjunction with machine learning
  • Automated splitting/parsing of EDI transactions for more efficient processing
  • Connects multiple billing systems where APIs don’t exist
  • Hospitals and Practice Groups can maintain existing EHR/EMR and PM Systems
  • All ERA correspondence can be captured and indexed to the patient account for data validation, evidence of pre-authorizations and efficient follow up
  • BAI integration for full bank reconciliation from deposits to the individual billing systems
  • Robust reporting tools with integration to Microsoft Power BI and SSRS data visualization
  • Data analytics with drill-down capabilities for decreasing and preventing denials – and for creating permanent revenue cycle improvements
  • All revenue data is stored for auditing compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Workflow solutions for Eligibility (270 / 271) and Claims Status (276 / 277) inquiries
  • Allows staff to be more productive and focus on higher-value work

Working with RCMS

In partnership with your Accounting and IT teams, RCMS can work with your organization to develop a strategic plan that explores all areas of the revenue cycle. We bring decades of healthcare business office and software design experience that will help to improve your operations. Contact RCMS to schedule a discovery call or presentation of our company and its technology.

Healthcare Bank Treasury Reconciliation

Enterprise-Level Reconciliation from Payment Posting to Bank Deposits

Providing end-to-end reconciliation, from payment posting to bank deposits, ReSolve® Treasury Workstation turns your lockbox payment data into an exception-centric workflow that automates the matching and reconciliation of all posted and distributed remittances back to their associated lockbox deposits, without the need of third-party spreadsheets or manual re-entry of data.

ReSolve® Treasury Workstation automates the capture of electronic deposits received from your bank’s Banking Association Institute (BAI) data to create the source record for enterprise-level reconciliation. This includes multi-system environments in a centralized business office with two or more EHR/EMR billing systems.

With batch tracking and artificial intelligence (AI), all data is divided into four (4) areas: Bank Deposits; Treasury or Cash Journal; RCMS’ ReSolve® Payment Distribution; and the Host Billing System(s) for payment disbursements. The Cash Journal displays the Finance Department’s batching process for all deposits. The RCMS user interface displays the batches as posted in its Payment Processing system, and the Host Billing System displays batches as distributed to each unique billing system.

Contact RCMS

Are you ready to automate and improve your business office? ReSolve® provides workflow automation and data quality benefits that significantly improve revenue cycle processes and KPIs — with synchronize data for adjustments and transfers.

Contact RCMS today to schedule a discovery call and demonstration.

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Fundamental Design Principles for Effective Cash Management

What are your revenue cycle improvement goals for 2024 and beyond? By integrating with your EHR host billing system (or multiple systems), Clearinghouses and other Line of Business (LOB) applications, the RCMS ReSolve® A/R Management Platform can automate workflows that significantly improve a wide array of cash management and revenue cycle processes.

Below are some of the key areas we address when working with our Integrated Delivery Network & Health System clients.

Steps Toward Improving Cash Management:

  • Integrate with host billing systems
  • Synchronize data for adjustments and transfers
  • Same day processing of today’s receipts
  • Use best available capture solutions
  • Capture all adjudication data
  • Automate the separation of remittance with parsing/splitting technology
  • Use data validation rules to cleanse, scrub and normalize payment data
  • Provide reconciliation from bank deposit through billing system to corporate general ledger (GL)
  • Monitor key revenue cycle performance metrics by payor, provider, or division
  • Identify the source of denied claims to resolve the root cause
  • Ensure that claim processes are audited to stop recurring denials

By integrating multiple healthcare information systems and revenue cycle applications with a common A/R Management Platform, RCMS can increase productivity, automate workflows and identify defects for timely adjudication. These steps will improve your cash management processes and reduce your cost to collect.

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Contact RCMS

Contact RCMS today to improve your cash management with the right design principals, systems integration experience, and software technology. We’ll help to improve revenue cycle processes for your entire business office.

ECM and RCM steps to automation

Linking Enterprise Content Management with Revenue Cycle Automation

Six Steps Toward Taking Control of Your Business Office

Unstructured content plagues practically every healthcare organization. It’s the data that resides outside your organization’s core systems and processes. For patient care, it’s the patient information that exists outside your EMR. In patient finance, it’s the data outside your billing and financial systems. And in accounting, it lives beyond the reach of your ERP system. In this article, we look at six steps to manage content contained within these systems – in all file formats. Each step makes life easier for the people who rely on efficient access to current information.

Before thinking of new ways to better manage your unstructured content, you first need to understand what it is. For each organization, this content can exist across an assortment of documents and information spanning all departments. For example, in patient access, unstructured content can be everything from patient ID’s and insurance cards, to consent forms and waiver documents. In accounting departments, invoices and the information surrounding specific financial transactions often exist as unstructured content. Paper encounters, patient correspondence, EOBs and EDI transactions similarly hamper processes in patient financial services. The list goes on, but the key here is to understand the nature of the business content each work area processes. Talk to the people who deal with these issues every day. Then you can take steps to determine the best practice approaches to get it under control.

Odds are, paper and other physical content like forms, letters, photocopies and paper remittances are in someone’s way. Sifting through a stack of EOB’s for that one piece of paper that a patient account representative needs leads to frustration and reduces time spent collecting on outstanding accounts. It also increases the likelihood that another piece of information may be lost or misfiled. Even if your organization’s paper content is safely stored in a central filing location or document imaging system, those storage or indexing costs would likely be better allocated to collecting outstanding funds. Here’s where Enterprise Content Management (ECM) linked with Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) automation can help.

A unified ECM and RCM solution allows you to capture the diverse range of information and content within your organization – paper EOB’s and correspondence, faxed orders or requests for information, denied claims, insurance cards, patient IDs and more. By automating the capture of this documentation and combining the process of data collection with document indexing, the results can be astonishing.

First, that business content required for your HIS application is often the same data required for keyword index values to store and retrieve that same document. Additionally, ECM eliminates the need for physical storage and management, thereby reducing staff’s frustrations about navigating through a mountain of paper to find what they need. Saving on storage, indexing and filing costs also demonstrates a true return on investment that is sure to please everyone in your organization.

Capturing unstructured content is only the beginning. While many solutions stop at this point, if the data is not accurate, it has little to no real value. Today’s best practice solutions include client definable data validation routines that scrub extracted data and help determine the validity of converted data values. Why is Data Validation important? Well, with reimbursement rates shrinking and the cost to collect increasing, every denied claim represents an additional twenty-five to thirty dollars of cost for an organization.

To tackle these challenges, data validation routines help scrub the data to ensure its accuracy before generating the desired output. If errors are found, users have the ability to correct them during an “edit phase,” replacing the original converted data by simply keying the correct information, selecting data from a drop down list, or auto-populating the data from a database lookup. This work process ensures that correct information is available for resolving future issues such as patient billing, denied claims, disputed amounts or other patient inquiries.

Now that you’ve captured and cleansed that unstructured content, you need somewhere to store it. An ideal RCM solution provides you with a single, secure ECM repository for electronic storage of this business content. This helps reduce complexity in your IT environment by eliminating disparate, disconnected content silos.

Unstructured information also poses a security risk. An ECM solution (such as Hyland’s OnBase Platform) securely stores this content, reducing the risk of a HIPAA violation. Additionally, RCM/ECM systems that provide audit trails make compliance with 3rd party audits, Joint Commissions, Sarbanes Oxley and other initiatives much simpler – making life easier for both users and constituents.

For your content to be useful, the people who need to access it should be able to find it easily and quickly. By integrating with your organization’s core applications, an ECM solution provides instant access to content within those systems with a simple click of the mouse. For those in patient financial services, it means finding transactional billing data within the billing system instead of on an EOB or isolated EDI transaction. For those in finance and accounting, it means locating an invoice directly within the ERP system.

Ideally, users of a well-integrated RCM solution might not even be aware of its existence. They simply find what they need within the systems they know and use every day. Not only does this make them more productive, it also enhances the value of your existing applications because users have everything they need within your registration system, EMR, billing system, ERP and other applications.

You’ve identified your business content, captured and validated it, safely stored it and integrated it with your core systems. With an integrated RCM/ECM solution, you can use that content to help your staff work more efficiently.

For example, data warehouses can be automatically created or populated to provide drill-down business analytics. This provides benefits such as identifying collections trends with outcomes, integrating daily cash receipts to the bank deposits for bank reconciliation, or forecasting future cash flows from unbilled charges. Users, managers, directors and executives can work more efficiently within predictable parameters. As a result, your operations run more smoothly and efficiently, with staff more productive and content.

By capturing and routing correspondence through rules-based workflows, solutions such as our ReSolve® Correspondence Management facilitates items being entered and worked faster. Linked to ECM, we leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Process Automation (RPA) to eliminate manual errors and to automate many of today’s revenue cycle processes. Contact Us today to schedule a discovery call or a presentation of our capabilities.

Editor’s Note:
A version of this article was originally published by ReMedics, LLC. ReMedics is a sister company of RCMS providing Business Process Outsourcing services to Physician Practice Groups, MSOs, Hospitals and Health Systems.

Provider Level PLB Adjustments

Efficiently Managing Provider Level Adjustments

What Are Provider Level Adjustments?

Provider Level Balance Adjustments (aka PLBs) are used to convey adjustment information in 835 files that can increase or decrease healthcare provider payments. It can be confusing to follow and determine what is truly owed for a claim because overpayments are often made by healthcare insurance companies, or interest might have accrued due to late payments. The insurance companies (i.e., payors) will then send correspondence to the provider organizations requesting a refund for the overpaid claim. They will then either receive a refund to be processed for the overpaid amount, or they will not receive a refund in the time allotted. That balance will then move forward to a future 835 file for overpayment recovery.

Within a multi-hospital, multi-practice organization, the process of identifying a particular business unit or practice group associated with these provider level adjustments becomes exponentially more complex. This is often complicated by the variety and/or lack of information which can be useful to re-associate these transactions to a particular division or practice.

In some cases, there may be multiple offsetting adjustments across multiple checks as forwarding balances are worked off. It is also possible that items may still be “in progress” from a payor.

While it may require a fair amount of research to tie everything together, some payors may have documentation on how they manage Provider Level Adjustments. If all else fails and a resolution cannot be found, you may need to call the payor to ask for more details to help with the research process.

By leveraging a single cash management platform, RCMS ReSolve® manages the data capture, parsing & batch balancing, validation, and bank reconciliation for multiple EMR/Host Billing and Practice Management Systems.

RCMS automated workflows and worklisting tools can increase efficiency, improve data accuracy, generate work queues and many other time-saving benefits. Contact Us today to schedule a call or presentation.

Editor’s Note:
A version of this article was originally published by ReMedics, LLC in “A Closer Look” client newsletter that deals with common payment processing, denial/defect and reconciliation issues. ReMedics is a sister company of RCMS, LLC with common ownership.

Business Intelligence

Maximizing the Potential of Your Revenue Cycle Business Intelligence

Uncovering hidden trends within your billing and payment data can play a critical role in developing a strategic, successful revenue cycle plan — and in monitoring the progress of incremental modifications. This is especially true when implementing changes in the across a network of disparate HIT systems.

RCMS solutions include customized Power BI Scorecards that can help to drive accelerated, intelligent decision making in your revenue cycle. To start, we provide the means to capture and process all payments, denials, exceptions, adjustments and follow up activity from multiple business systems into a single A/R management platform. This allows for a variety of scorecards to be created by payers, business units, specialty groups and facility locations. With the reporting and visualization features provided by Microsoft’s Power BI, our scorecards help to quickly identify and correct problematic areas that lead to sustained, measurable improvements.

RCMS Power BI Features

  • Systems integration experience with healthcare delivery networks
  • Ability to connect with disparate data sources
  • Customized scorecards for each revenue cycle area
  • Accelerated decision making with real-time data visualization
  • Denials scorecard by payers, physicians, business units and locations
  • Analytic data available from desktop, tablet or smartphone
  • Ability to share scorecards with all department managers
  • Options for self-serve reporting & dashboard manipulation

Contact RCMS

RCMS can help Hospital Systems, IDNs and Practice Groups to leverage and enhance their existing core business systems. By identifying negative trends and inconsistencies across multiple sources of rev cycle information, we can help to develop changes and/or make corrections to current technology and processes. Contact RCMS today about maximizing the power of your business intelligence.

CBO Multiple Billing System Environments

Reducing Manual Work in CBO Multiple Billing System Environments

As systems integrators, RCMS can connect to multiple Healthcare Information Systems (HIS), in addition to those of our business partners. This includes multiple billing systems for the processing and posting of payments in a Central Business Office (CBO). With this connectivity in place, data-driven decision making can be automated, increasing the accuracy of information being processed – while reducing manual efforts for information capture, image capture, data entry, routing, and verification.

For RCMS clients with multiple EMRs and billing applications, the RCMS ReSolve® A/R Management Platform provides the means to consolidate resources and improve business office processes – without having to eliminate hard to displace, vested systems. ReSolve® is complimentary to existing billings systems, also known as ‘host systems’, and other disparate software technology.

In many cases, ReSolve™ is utilized in complex, multiple billing system environments specifically because of its ability to act as a common front-end interface for the posting of payments.

Central Business Office Keys to Success

  • Streamlined data capture from all systems, banks and clearinghouses
  • Improved processes with data-driven decision making technology
  • Reduced manual efforts with data validation, reconciliation and payment posting
  • Enhanced billing system functionality – at less cost than to upgrade or replace
  • Connected inter-related systems with proprietary custom interfaces
  • Allow for the sharing of information across multiple departments
  • Avoid missing data & incomplete claims, preventing denials
  • Automated payment posting and follow-up worklists
  • Integration & support for OnBase ECM document imaging
  • Detailed management reporting & real-time analysis
  • General ledger (GL) integration capabilities
  • Increased net collections & reduced risk of non-payment
  • Reduced or eliminated click-fee based expenses
  • Long term strategies for the consolidation of resources

Contact RCMS

RCMS and ReSolve® will substantially improve key areas of need in your business office. With our ‘bolt-on’ technology enhancing and integrating your systems, key revenue cycle management objectives, from beginning to end, can be systematically targeted and achieved. Revenue Cycle BPO Services by our sister-company, ReMedics LLC, can also augment our software solutions and provide a long-term continuation of our business partnership.

 Contact RCMS about improving revenue cycle processes for your business office.

Business Intelligence

Connecting Your Line of Business (LOB) Applications

Line of Business (LOB) commonly refers to a set of critical applications that run an enterprise. When working through the layers of disconnected information silos in an organization for effective workflow, being able to connect key foundational systems can become a critical stumbling block for creating true revenue cycle improvements.

RCMS solutions provide a single platform to normalize and standardize data for integration to existing LOB applications and external partners critical to the revenue cycle. Standardized data provides for a complete solution in aggregated environments, with a higher degree of data accuracy in complex, multi-vendor conditions.

LOB Integration Benefits

  • Systems integration experience with healthcare delivery networks
  • Ability to connect with disparate data sources
  • Customized scorecards for each revenue cycle area
  • Accelerated decision making with real-time data visualization
  • Denials scorecard by payers, physicians, business units and locations
  • Analytic data available from desktop, tablet or smartphone
  • Ability to share scorecards with all department managers
  • Options for self-serve reporting & dashboard manipulation

Contact RCMS

RCMS can help Hospital Systems, IDNs and Practice Groups to leverage and enhance their existing core business systems. By identifying negative trends and inconsistencies across multiple sources of rev cycle information, we can help to develop changes and/or make corrections to current technology and processes. Contact RCMS today about maximizing the power of your business intelligence.

Revenue cycle workflow automation benefits

RCMS Revenue Cycle Workflow Automation Benefits

RCMS works with Integrated Delivery Networks (IDN) and multi-facility Health Systems to implement solutions aimed directly at improving their existing financial system(s). Below are a series of benefits that our ReSolve® Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Software can provide, including lower operating costs, streamlined procedures, denial tracking, and increased cash flow. If you’re looking to implement workflow solutions in your business office, contact us today to schedule a cost/benefit analysis.

Revenue Cycle Productivity Benefits:

  • Automated capture of patient and payment information from high volume paper-based EOBs
  • Reduced cash posting staff required for data entry
  • Elimination of posting distribution steps through improved data validation rules
  • Improvement of existing EDI matching and error correction time spent working electronic remittances
  • Elimination of manually creating reconciliation, user productivity and A/R reports
  • Automated capture, routing, and prioritization of denials information
  • Automated secondary billing process for required generation of matching EOB’s

Posting Accuracy Benefits:

  • Uniform application of data validation rules for all transactions, without error, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
  • Elimination of human interpretation and decision making during cash posting including facility matching and distribution process
  • Automated capture of a complete audit trail of payment batches and monitoring of batch integrity and balancing for all facilities
  • Comprehensive user productivity reporting of business office staff

Cash Flow Benefits:

  • Automated secondary billing for all payers currently being processed manually
  • Posting of all payments within 48 hours from receipt, reducing account follow up on payments that have already been collected
  • Improving accuracy and quality of patient statements
  • Lower AR days

Denial Management Benefits:

  • Capture of all denials, automatically routing them to predefined work queues for improved account qualification and user productivity
  • Automated tracking and trending of denials for complete process improvement throughout the entire revenue cycle
  • Easier assessment of the impact of follow-up activities
  • Automated documenting of increased cash flow from denials improvements.
  • Identification of denial patterns that are in violation of payor contract agreements
  • Improved reporting – including payments on denials and user productivity indicating how successful each collector’s efforts are in the appeal process

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Benefits:

  • Efficient organization of data and documents in a central repository
  • Eliminates disparate, disconnected content silos
  • Improved customer service
  • Document version control
  • Integration with other systems
  • Provides for hosted or on-site installation

Contact RCMS

RCMS brings decades of healthcare business office experience to your organization. We can provide a wide range of proven RCM solutions that provide for significant productivity gains and cash management benefits. Contact RCMS about automating workflow in your business office.